Welcome to OpenCDA’s documentation!

OpenCDA is a generalized framework for fast developing and testing cooperative driving automation applications(e.g., cooperative perception, platooning) as well as autonomous vehicle components(e.g., perception, localization, planning, control) under Co-simulation(CARLA-SUMO).

OpenCDA is a work in progress, and many features are still in the future roadmap. We welcome your contribution and please visit our Github repo for latest release.

Citing OpenCDA:

If you use OpenCDA in a scientific publication, we would appreciate citations to the following paper:

  author  = {Runsheng Xu, Yi Guo, Xu Han, Xin Xia, Hao Xiang, Jiaqi Ma},
  title   = {OpenCDA:  An  Open  Cooperative  Driving  Automation
  Framework Integrated  with  Co-Simulation},
  booktitle = {2021 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)},
  year    = {2021}

Our paper can be accessed by arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.06260

Indices and tables