Why OpenCDA?

Current autonomous driving simulation platforms that support scene rendering and traffic simulation mainly concentrate on single-vehicle intelligence, therefore, developing and testing Cooperative Driving Automation applications(e.g., cooperative perception, cooperative merge) under a realistic simulated environment becomes difficult.

OpenCDA is created to fill such gap.

Major Components


  1. Cooperative Driving System:
    OpenCDA provides a full-stack software that contains the common self-driving modules including sensing, planning and actuation layers , and it is developed purely in Python for fast prototyping. Built upon these basic modules, OpenCDA supports a range of common cooperative driving applications.

  2. Co-Simulation Tools:
    OpenCDA provides interfaces to integrate multiple open-source simulation tools with the cooperative driving system. Through the interfaces, OpenCDA is able to take advantage of the high-quality scene rendering and realistic dynamic modelling from CARLA , the realistic traffic simulation from SUMO, and the network communication from NS3 . (SUMO and NS3 will be shown in OpenCDA in the next version v0.2).

  3. Scenario Manager:
    By defining the parameters in the Yaml file, OpenCDA is able to construct the simulation scenario, creating the traffic flows, and assigning various dynamic driving tasks to different connected automated vehicles. Through such lightweight configuration, researchers can conveniently test and evaluate their algorithms under different scenarios. In the next verision v0.2, OpenScenario will be supported to trigger special events.

Key Features

The key features of OpenCDA can be summarized as CIFMB:

  • Connectivity and Cooperation: OpenCDA supports various levels and categories of cooperation between CAVs in simulation. This differentiates OpenCDA with other single vehicle automation tools.

  • Integration: OpenCDA integrates CARLA and SUMO together for realistic scene rendering, vehicle modeling and traffic simulation.

  • Full-stack System: OpenCDA provides a full-stack software system that contains perception, localization, planning, control, and V2X communication modules.

  • Modularity: OpenCDA is highly modularized, enabling users to conveniently replace any default algorithms or protocols with their own customzied design.

  • Benchmark: OpenCDA offers benchmark testing scenarios, state-of-the-art benchmark algorithms for all modules, benchmark testing road maps, and benchmark evaluation metrics.

Planned features in the next version

  • Add clean SUMO version to the pipeline(The functions have been finished, we are cleaning the codes).

  • Cooperative localization implementation.

  • Cooperative perception implementation.